Spring Sports Forms & Fees are due to the VHS office during the week of February 22-26.
Required Documents ~
  • Parent Permission Form
  • Co-Curricular Form
  • Physical (must be current through May 29, 2010)
  • Sports Specific Safety Guideline Form
  • Concussion Form
  • ASB Fee Paid ~ $40.00
  • Sport Fee Paid ~ $100 (after March 8th, fee will increase to $120)
Please note that all forms may be found on the KIOSK in the VHS Commons and on the high school website at: http://vashonsd.org/index.php?/district2/vhs-pages/C263/

Any questions about the above documents or fees should be referred to Char Phillips, VHS Athletic Secretary at 206-463-9171 Ext. 211.