WSU Baseball Coaches Clinic

Steve Hall and Joe Wald recently attended the Coaches Clinic at the Cougar Baseball Academy at Washington State University. The clinic featured lectures from the Cougar coaching staff, and two team practices consisting of throwing programs, base running techniques, individual defensive drills, team defense and offensive drills.

"I thought the WSU camp was a refreshing couple of days watching college coaches doing and saying a lot of the same things that we try teaching our players" said Steve. They have an awesome field and facilities, and their coaching staff make themselves available to all coaches and players in the state. They even gave us an open invitation to come over for a team practice weekend in April!"

As a Cougar alumni, Joe Wald enjoyed going back to his old campus. "It was very informative" Joe said. We got to see 3+ hours of practice (just like a Coach Hall practice!), be part of a scrimmage game, and have 8 hours of classroom time. The coaching staff at WSU is very passionate about baseball."

Both coaches earned WIAA clock hours for their participation.

WSU also offers Winter and Summer Youth Camps. Some Pirate players have already attended these camps, and both Steve and Joe encourage players interested in further development of their skills to consider attending. To learn more, go to: