Pirates Lose To Orting Again

For the second time in a week, Vashon fell to the Cardinals of Orting. The game was played at the Pirates home field on Friday (5/2). Orting had already clinched first place in the Nisqually League, while Vashon was hoping to nab second place and avoid a tiebreaker game the following day. It was not to be, however, as the Pirates came up short 3-1. Micah Deibell was on the mound for the home team and pitched five scoreless innings scattering six hits and striking out ten. He ran into some trouble in the sixth when a couple of hits and a key error led to three quick Orting runs giving the Cardinals a 3-1 lead. And that would be the final as Chris Allman came on in relief and prevented any further damage and Vashon was unable to score in the final two frames. The Pirate's six hits were all singles. Allman, Chris Pieterick, Peter Johnson, Justin Calhoun, Deibell, and Wes Paulsen did the honors. Vashon's lone run came in the second when they managed to group three singles together, the final one coming off the bat of Paulsen. In spite of still too many errors, the Pirates did pull off a nifty double play in the fourth inning putting an end to a possible Cardinal rally. The line score was: Vashon Runs-1 Hits-6 Errors-3, Orting: Runs-3 Hits-6 Errors-2. This was the final game of the regular season. The loss left Vashon tied for second place with Seattle Christian at 7-5 , forcing a one game tiebreaker to be played the following day in Fife.