Pirates Defeat Eagles

                                             (Photo by Rik Forschmiedt/www.riksimages.com)

Life Christian visited Jim Martin Field on April 27th to play the hometown Pirates.  In a high scoring affair, Vashon notched their second win of the season coming away with a 10-7 victory.  Things didn't look good for the Pirates through the top of the fifth inning with the Eagles holding a 6-1 lead.  However, Vashon exploded for nine runs in the bottom of the fifth and took over the lead and the game.  Kelly Sullivan pitched the first five innings for the Pirates, allowing nine hits and three earned runs.  He had one strikeout and two base on balls.  Michael Bernheisel completed the final two innings giving up just two hits and one earned run.  Leading the Vashon hitting attack was Ezra Lacina who was 3 for 3 with two singles and a double.  Joe Wald, Josh Myer, and Sullivan each added two hits to the hitting totals.  Zack Drape and Michael Bernheisel chipped in with a hit apiece to round out the eleven hit attack.  The line score:  Vashon 10 runs, 11 hits, 2 errors   Life Christian 7 runs, 11 hits, 3 errors.   Vashon's season record now stands at 2-9.  Next up is a home game against Seattle Christian on May 2nd.